Tuesday, May 4, 2010


If you are a westerner or a person raised in a westernized country then you wouldn't know how fortunate you are until you visit asia. People in asia are workaholics and there is no room for slack. Day in and day out, people worry about losing their jobs because the competition here is really tough. Even if you have a job, you are constantly in fear of losing it and even one complaint from a higher up can cause you to lose that job. And if you don't have a job, the word freedom or expression would never exist in your life. You can work at a semi-decent job in Hong Kong, but even so the pay isn't so great. 10-12$/hr cdn is relatively "Baller-ish" for bank jobs and business-related jobs. There are people working in places like McDonalds and other fastfood restaurants earning like 2~3$/hr cdn. These aren't part time jobs either, they are mostly full-time jobs because I see the same people day in and day out. I see many people around my age or younger in the working force already and I always constantly compare myself to them; I am fortunate to have education and freedom. To rent an apartment for a month costs 700cdn+/month for a shitty/crap ish one in HK, so living alone and having those low end jobs is really fucking hard if not almost impossible to pay for rent.

In Canada, you can work at a low end job which is 8~10$/hr which will net you 1280-1600$ a month, and you can find a place to rent for 700ish and probably 100bucks for gas, 100-200$ for food and then the rest is savings/spending money. Obviously it ain't enough to start a family with but its enough to get by for your humble self. If you find a roommate, you can be wearing decent clothes and look fairly fresh!

Now lets compare, low end jobs in Hong Kong get 480$ or less CDN a month, rents cost 700CDN+ for apartments. Okay so you found a roommate to cramp into your closet-like apartment so rent costs 350$. You have 130$ left. There is food and transportation to consider. 40~60 bux for transportation alone. Next for food 70-90$ left... you eat what you want.

A. You could eat out for 10-12$CDN a day which is.. 280~$CDN a month. negative 210~$CDN. fml much?
B. You could eat healthy with udon,rice,vegetables,eggs,meat,fish at home for 100~$CDN a month which you would have no money left so fml moment. cuz you can't buy shit to keep yourself presentable to the public aka daily necessities, clothes, shoes, hair cuts, fruits, vitamins, medicine etc etc.
C. Last resort: Eat instant noodles+egg for breakfast,lunch,dinner will cost you 50~CDN/month which will cause your health to deteriate greatly. You have a little bit of money to spend now .. hurray. . . .? no. it is fml your body is not gettin proper nutrients which consequently will lead to a fml moment.

The world in busy asia is obviously revolved around money and the higher ups are pulling the strings. Everyone else below these rich people are their puppets. I constantly feel bad for all these workers with eye bags under their eyes and eating superfast for their lunch breaks, and along with all that, they have to have super good manner to all customers to ensure their spot in the company/job. Now I wonder besides working, do these people have a healthy lifestyle outside of work?

Why did I type so much? No one knows. There is more actually but I am forced to sleep.

Sunday, May 2, 2010