Saturday, November 24, 2012

The split

In order for a machine to be upgraded such as a computer, parts have to be taken out and then examined. Each part will have to be thoroughly tested and then a replacement part(s) is needed. Sometimes, even if all the parts are upgraded, the stability and performance of the computer is not increased greatly because the problem lies in the motherboard or the main board itself. At times like this, one has to accept that fact that their technology is outdated and everything needs to be thrown out including the motherboard and the case. Earth and evolution works in the same manner as well.

If the old cannot be improvised, throw it out! Make way for the new. 

Now, lets talk about the split of our world's evolution process. People are changing. One may think that there are just two mere choices, so life should be easy right? There is only day and night, dark and light, male and female, good and bad, hate and love, left or right, rich or poor, life or death. However, it only appears that way because that is how we were raised to see the world. That is also the way that your parents and your ancestors were raised. Their thoughts and belief system was transferred to us and influenced us gradually. But who were the ones who influenced them? Think deeply. Look back over 5000 years ago, perhaps you may find traces of it. Anyway without further ado,

The split contains of 3 if not more major categories. There is the being who lives in the physical world; sex and money controls this world. The "type 1" being can be satisfied with his life and finds daily activities enjoyable and safe without ever thinking about other realities. He may also not be satisfied with the physical world and hates everything around him. Either way, a being who hates or loves the world is interacting with the world energetically. A being who lives in the physical state of life utilizes only a small amount of their conscious mind and is governed by instincts, drives, pleasures, and emotions. The type 1 being lives underneath his skin.

Next, we have the "type 2" conscious being who is a master of perception. He is conscious of what happens around him and the world as well. This being is careful with the interactions he makes with everything including inanimate objects. The type 2 being thinks a lot and usually comes up with multiple solutions to daily life problems. The type 2 being would do very well in the business world. The world can be perceived as a good place if he changes his perception to positivity. The world can also be a horrible place if he changes his perception to a a place of disasters and misfortune. Type2 beings still enjoy the presence of love and money but understand that our cosmos is not governed by these forces. The type2 being lives inside his head.

Next and definitely not lastly, we have the "type 3" spiritual being who lives life from an outside perspective. When a type 3 being interacts with the world, his mind is not actually present in that situation, they are constantly drifting into other realities. Therefore, nothing in the physical world can drag this type 3 being and anchor them. It is impossible to do so. It is as if he sees the relationship between himself and the other person/thing from a 3rd perspective. The type 3 being is not attached to the physical world and matters like money and love is not top priority on their list. Type 3 beings are called dreamers, crazy, delusional, outcast, failure by the type1 beings. However, type 3 beings do not say the same about the type1 beings. Type 3 beings function through "know" instead of the 5 senses, they know things before they learn to understand them. As we know in perception, we do not perceive a sense without our 5 senses. Type 3 beings are also like type 2 beings in the sense that they include the "whole" in the picture.

Of course, I summarized the three types shortly and each type is very unique in its own way. And yes, it is not fair to give labels and try to fit people into categories but to fix a problem, one has to understand everything from every perspective. Yes there are individuals who hop around different types constantly but there it is difficult to manage multiple types simultaneously.

In conclusion, these are typical mindsets:

type 1 person : When I see it, I'll believe it. If it happens, so be it. The world is a representation of my input. I try my best and I should deserve the best. The world seems straight forward. I'll leave it to destiny/God/my hardwork. Where is the evidence? I will not research into human history or evolution, everything is either fake or already explained on the television/school/science. My belief system is firm and I will not change it. Other people are crazy! My way or the highway. Why do you think you're right and I'm wrong? I am hungry therefore I must eat. (lives underneath the skin) physicality and powered by pleasure
type 2 person: The world is more than it appears to be. The world is very difficult to grasp. The more I know, the less I can grasp the large picture. God is not a being that resembles a bearded man nor any of our holy books. I have researched deeply into articles that resonate with my mindset and belief systems. I sort of grasp the concept of human evolution. I will look for alternate solutions and come up with the best one. I may be right or I may be wrong but I will continue searching. I am hungry, my brain says I am hungry. (lives in the mind) Mentally and powered by knowledge
type 3 person: I sense and feel that the world is changing. I will have to change too. There are many worlds. Earth is not the only one. God is not one entity or even an entity as how humans perceive God to be. I know things but I cannot put them into words for others to understand me. Our human history is not just a couple thousand years. Even our ancient human history was more spiritually advanced than our current humans. Why is everyone so disconnected from each other and even themselves? I am hungry but I know that my soul will not die if I do not eat. (lives outside the body) spirituality and powered by intuition

Which type governs all? none. But all types should coexist with each other. However, we will experience the split before there is the merge. The way I see it is that the Type 2 beings are the bridge or the connection for the Type 1 and Type 3 beings. Let it happen...

type 4? tba in year 2013 September
type 5?
type 6?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Don't play the prophet

Okay, I will no longer play the role talking about future events. People get really sensitive around these topics and around this time of era, the hit chance is way too high anyway. 365 people claiming an earthquake will happen on 365 different days will definitely make room for many prophets in the year 2012-2014. However, what I showed below this post were alignments and in no way were they even close to predictions. They were planetary harmonics meaning that during those dates, the chances of an earthquake or solar flare is increased significantly(Canada had a pretty big earthquake on Oct 27). One more thing is that if you go back a year or two ago, I wrote a poem regarding a vision I saw. That poem, I wrote something about "punched in the guts not once but twice just to be precise" is in regards to a giant earthquake that is imminent for the West Coast. The first warning is the smaller one, next one is a bigger one causing a tsunami.

I am not a fearmonger, I do not want to scare anyone and force anyone to belief something that they do not want to belief. However, we are living in a time of great peril, quickening, awakening and change. Please be aware to your surroundings and most of all, yourself. Do you even know how you feel? Can you accurately describe what you are perceiving? Do you think other people perceive the world the same way you do? All I know is that the more you are in tuned with yourself and your surroundings, the more in tune that you will be with nature or Mother Earth. You will find synchronicity often in your daily life and find that many events are guiding and leading you to the proper path.

In today's era, people are not living and perceiving their world to its full extent. Let me type that again.. IN TODAY'S ERA, PEOPLE ARE NOT LIVING AND PERCEIVING THEIR WORLD TO ITS FULL EXTENT..Is it a bad thing? No. Is it a good thing? No. Will they be taken advantage of? Yes, definitely. Will they be aware that they have been taken advantage of? No, definitely not unless there is a trigger or will to change. Why does this happen? ARROGANCE AND FIRM BELIEFS.

A person is unlikely to change his/her beliefs when there is a new belief system that is introduced that does not correspond to that individual's belief system. In short words, A PERSON SELECTS WHAT HE/SHE WANTS TO PERCEIVE AS THE TRUTH AND THROWS ANYTHING ELSE OUTSIDE THE WINDOW.

Monday, October 22, 2012


California Hit With 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake, Aftershocks

Posted: October 22, 2012
Moderate Earthquake Hits California
A moderate earthquake hit central California on Sunday, but authorities have assured that the tremor, which measured 5.3 on the Richter scale, did not cause any damage.
The earthquake took place in a coastal area of central California, and the US Geological Survey noted that almost 6,700 people reported feeling the earthquake on its website, according to Fox News.
The quake struck around midnight on Saturday near King City, which is about 90 miles southeast of San Jose. USGS geophysicist Don Blakeman stated that it occurred in a “seismically active area” near the San Andreas Fault.
At least four aftershocks over magnitude 2.5 followed the initial tremors. While Monterey and San Luis Obispo sheriff’s departments both stated they received calls from residents, there were no reports of damage, likely because the quake struck in a mostly rural area dominated by rolling hills and large ranches, notes
The moderate earthquake comes just a few days after 14 million people, including 9.3 million in California, ducked under tables and covered their heads as part of an annual earthquake drill called the “Great ShakeOut,” reports CBS News.
The drill is designed to help schools, offices, and other buildings prepare for what they would do in the case of a major earthquake. Along with Western and southern states, residents in Guam, Puerto Rico, parts of Canada, Italy, and also Virginia took part in the drill.
An earthquake that is magnitude five or higher is capable of causing damage, usually because of things being knocked off shelves. They are also capable of more severe damage like moderate cracks in walls and foundations.
The US Geological Service also noted that a minor earthquake with a magnitude of 3.5 struck about 15 miles east of Eureka, California. Eureka police stated that there were no reports of injuries or damage.
Blakeman added tha the two earthquakes in California on Sunday are not thought to be related.

Read more at 

note: this is the precursor to the beginning. The bigger one will be magnitude 8.0+. It has been written in bible, scriptures and heard in the voice of god for Christians. I am not religious but lets see!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October shake out event world wide

The October 18, 2012 at 10:18 seems unnatural and too coordinated; almost as if the ones who suspect something will happen are hinting to the world that its good to be prepared. Well I was suspicious so I went online to do some homework about astronomy. I wished that school taught me this as I am taking astronomy in University and they do not teach us anything like this. We are so dumbed down. Anyway, watch with an open eye. Apparently this earth quake drill has one of the biggest participants ever.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Years of education has not taught us how to be responsible and honest beings. No, not at all but quite the opposite. Education has taught us how to be great actors and actresses; we get marked for our performance which 75% of the time is utter bullshit. Let us be honest, when we write a paper, how much of it is really true? When we make a presentation, we fill in the gaps with a  lot of bull shit, do we not? When we miss a day of class or went to class late, what excuses did we use? That can't be helped because the stuff we learn is also 75% bullshit and cannot be applied elsewhere but inside the school only. We return bullshit when we get presented bullshit. The cycle goes on and on and on. However, math, music, art, basic grammar for languages is a necessity for anyone who wishes to travel down a more educated path. As humans, we learn to communicate and express ourselves via art, music, language, math and many other forms. What education does is condition and limit the growth of normal beings so they will be unable to express their true selves. The 22nd century? It just might become a world of biological humanoids which once was known as a the human race. Just kidding, I already see many humans breaking through out of the cycle and questioning the system. We are almost there! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Escape our materialistic world

I feel the acceleration and at the same time, I feel the separation. The ideas and knowledge inside my head are always ahead of time itself but time doesn't exist in my world so I just said something that contradicts my sentence. What I mean is that based on this current time line  September 2012, I cannot go against the will or nature of time by telling you things that you are not ready to accept yet. Whatever is done is already set in motion, it cannot be changed greatly. I also do not hold the right to tell you how to live your life as you do not hold the right to tell me how to live my life. I did expect a few individuals in my life to wake up during our many years of acquaintance but they have yet to do so. There are certain factors which contribute to the dormant state of many individuals which include but not limited to: money issues, emotional attachment, karma, social norms, social status race and much more. I really wish that I could relate with at least a few more individuals and converge ideas during these past few years. However, I am no deity nor superior over anyone. I respect the law of one very much and that everyone will eventually end up at the same place as they started from the same place. I may only act as an observer in the mean time and a act as a messenger when asked. However, rarely do I get asked of such deep knowledge and questions.

The separation I feel is a mixture of sadness and a sigh of relief. Being a sensitive person from birth, I see and feel things differently than a normal person can. I can read the mood and atmosphere of a specific time, place and view from another perspective and then factor that into my decision making. The differences between many of those around me is the fact that I am a believer of many things and the latter are only believers with a certain amount of evidence available to them. I have been through and experienced then gained insight on the positive and negative events that happened to my personal life. Karma definitely exists. It is no lie. To explain what karma is, it is inertia or an act that is set in motion and unable to stop. One object to symbolize karma is the wheel. To give a further example, it could be a person stuck in an unstable relationship, it could be a bully hurting others around him, it could be a businessman set on making money only, it could be a religious man devoting to a deity, it could be me set on trying to change the timeline of mankind. As you can see by these examples, karma happens everywhere and in every form. The main point is to realize that one is stuck inside a loop. However, the elites in our world who has a history of over 5000 years compared to our fresh society of only couple hundred years are greatly overshadowed by their genius system. The system involves struggle for power, strongest survives, the superior will reign over the inferior, and so on. Our society has been reprogrammed by these elites and the majority of the population is deceived to think that there is nothing wrong in our world.

So how do we stop Karma?

It is easy. You be yourself. The more you try to act like someone else or pull the strings the opposite way, the more the outcome which is usually in something not pleasant comes find you. Instead of expanding your conscious and energy outwards, you focus all your conscious and energy back within. The main character then becomes yourself but not in a selfish way. Since the outside world can be a reflection of the the inside. You learned this since long time ago which is "treat others the same way that you would like to be treated".
When you think nature, you think of natural right? Therefore, you are a being made from nature, you have to follow the laws of nature as well. Now is the time to think from within and not outside. The outside world has already polluted your inside. Therefore, you need to press the restart button inside yourself and start fresh. Try to see things from a multi perspective rather than only an inside and outside perspective. Everything and everyone matters. 

Friday, September 14, 2012


Time for update again I suppose. So, is everyone awake yet? Not in the sense of being awake in the morning and getting out of your bed but awake in consciousness and aware of the connections between yourself and the environment. Too many people are blindly living their lives and just following the herd. Their personal voice is in fact not their personal voice, it is merely a reflection and projection of what is shown to them via music, entertainment and the media. A true person who lives upon his or her true beliefs is one who does not have any strong attachments to any physical material/beings in the world; they are neutral with everyone/everything. By doing so, they will not have a bias view on anything and be able to show unconditional love/concern to any being/thing; it is the universe's greatest blessing. With that being side and sweet words aside, I will finally share with my fellow stalkers a background on whats going on in our world. But before you do so and if you haven't already done so, read my previous posts to get a general idea where I am going. To start things off, I would like to say that something is strange and wrong about our world. Is that not correct? People are being orchestrated and lulled to sleep with genius plans and movements. Such ideas include but not limited to: 9-11 bombing, sars threat, aurora shooting, haiti earthquake, india earthquake, japan earthquake, nuclear nuclear fall, chemtrails, sopa, and much more. It is time for us to not feed the negative energy and bad events happening in our world. These events might be man-made or they might also be natural but that isn't important. Whats important is that the more negative an event is, the more accelerated growth will be. We learn from mistakes and jump start our evolution in multiple dimensions. So, if there are any dark beings or evil leaders out there, thank you very much and keep doing your job!

I used to keep a log of the terrible events that happen in our life daily(the real news happening around the world excluding about which celebrity overdosed or who cheated on who etc). The natural events and disasters happening around the world is phenomenal, I couldn't even follow anymore. If you want to know what is "real news", then here are some of the recent ones:  

Anyway, those news were fairly recent but you get the general idea right? There is so much change happening under our nose that it is overwhelming to follow all. Times are changing and the Earth is also changing. Therefore, we also have to change(This is no time to be stubborn and narrow minded). Isn't it amazing to be alive during this era though? Remember years ago, scientists would say that during our life time, we would not witness another giant volcanic eruption and bam! multiple volcanic eruptions happening world wide. Also, it is also amazing to see how the events written in the bible are becoming very true. Floods, earthquakes, mass animal extinction, red seas, plagues and so much more. So, where am I going with this post?

Anything is possible. Never ever be too certain and even when you are, still leave room for error and improvements. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

pt 2

Even though it will be harder and harder to control the population at hand, there are ways to do so. Here are few scenarios: man-made earthquakes/hurricane via haarp technology, banning the internet which is happening already, orchestrating a false-alien invasion via back-engineered ufos from 1940s from roswel ufo crash incident(yes we do possess spacecrafts that can nearly match the speed of light and anti-gravity), mass pandemic via man-made viruses, more terrorist suspects, more bombings, chem-trails via aluminum and barium spraying, genetically modified foods, making the banking system go bankrupt and list goes on.

As long there is FEAR, there is control. Didn't you know that hospitals and pharmaceutical companies earn the most money via prevention shots and cure? Do viruses and illnesses just come from nature? Do you think that 911 was actually an outside job? When you see something that the media presents to you, question it and then do your research. Often times, you will see that they do not match up that well. The government carefully chooses what they want you to know so that your response can be predicted by them.

Once fear is imposed upon us, the government is in complete control. They will then suggest we follow their orders for our own safety such as taking their desired vaccine, implanting RFID chips, reporting people like myself who hinders human growth because we think differently, and most of all giving up our rights as a citizen or human..

still think I'm crazy? For this post, I just blurted out what came to mind without linking the evidence and facts which I will learn to do in future posts.

In the meanwhile, if you want to follow the natural disasters+nuclear+warnings. This site is good.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


So here we are, 2012. This blog is the only place that I will be serious and not troll or joke around. I'll save that for twitter and facebook. For all those that can't handle or comprehend the fact that I can be serious too, too bad :(I guess I'll go back to blogging more often. Are you anticipating anything this year or do you think it will just be like any other year? As far as I know, there has been many weather events broken already with one of the coldest winters in the North West, flash flooding in the states, Britain, and Asia, major volcanoes that has already erupted or has been put at the highest warning. Earthquakes are on the rise as well. Other than frequency alone, the magnitude has been greater as well. There are new laws to be passed aka the SOPA ordeal right now. But that is only the beginning. If they attempt to limit the usage of internet from civilians, they are getting our attention for something bigger and darker. I am no prophet but I knew long time ago that the government was going to pass a similar law like this and bam it happens! For all I know is that if that is pt. 1 of their plan, pt.2 is the RFID chips(for christians it is the mark of the beast). RFID chips will be made mandatory by our governments saying it will benefit our healths and convenience by saying when we go to buy groceries, pay our bills, log-in online, enter a building then we should use these RFID chips. These chips will be implanted most likely in our wrists or forehead. However, pt.1 is not going through well right now so I DO HOPE pt.2 does not come!!!!!!! DO NOT GET THE MARK, IMPLANT, TATTOO, RFID CHIP! If you do, you are basically giving your life and freedom away. Well that is unless you design the RFID chip yourself and use it on yourself then that is a different story..

Now moving on with next agenda, how far has humanity evolved since these past 2-3 years? I think substantially such that some are finally realizing that outside of their daily lives, there is a bigger picture or great change coming. Other than hanging out with friends, other than making money, other than enjoying your own life, humanity as a whole needs and should evolve to the next level but to do that, we will need to know history(not the history found in the library but our history as a race). Whatever ideals and views we hold on to, we have to change them. Nobody should be narrow-minded and stubborn at a time like this. Why do I believe this? My current and past self will only hint/hinted about facts and beliefs to you because I felt the major population wasn't ready for information such as this but gradually I will reveal what I know to the curious seeker. But you ask, who am I to question others when I, myself may be wrong myself. True, I may be entirely wrong and that is why I searched everywhere for questions and never stopping at one point. After connecting the points of A-Z, a big picture forms, so big that a normal person will not be able to grasp.

This post is just a warm up and the average reader will already think I am crazy, not human, have no evidence, no proof so what I typed above is completely nonsense but our current science and technology up to date cannot explain everything.

Therefore, I challenge you to watch this simple video about water where scientists and researchers did an in-depth research about this substance and found shocking results. There is part 1 and part 2 and is under 2 hours. So before you challenge me, watch it and be amazed because there is more unsolved phenomenons like this on Earth..

I'm sorry that I wasn't even able to express myself properly in this post either. I'll try to be more clearer next post and I will post non stop!