Sunday, November 4, 2012

Don't play the prophet

Okay, I will no longer play the role talking about future events. People get really sensitive around these topics and around this time of era, the hit chance is way too high anyway. 365 people claiming an earthquake will happen on 365 different days will definitely make room for many prophets in the year 2012-2014. However, what I showed below this post were alignments and in no way were they even close to predictions. They were planetary harmonics meaning that during those dates, the chances of an earthquake or solar flare is increased significantly(Canada had a pretty big earthquake on Oct 27). One more thing is that if you go back a year or two ago, I wrote a poem regarding a vision I saw. That poem, I wrote something about "punched in the guts not once but twice just to be precise" is in regards to a giant earthquake that is imminent for the West Coast. The first warning is the smaller one, next one is a bigger one causing a tsunami.

I am not a fearmonger, I do not want to scare anyone and force anyone to belief something that they do not want to belief. However, we are living in a time of great peril, quickening, awakening and change. Please be aware to your surroundings and most of all, yourself. Do you even know how you feel? Can you accurately describe what you are perceiving? Do you think other people perceive the world the same way you do? All I know is that the more you are in tuned with yourself and your surroundings, the more in tune that you will be with nature or Mother Earth. You will find synchronicity often in your daily life and find that many events are guiding and leading you to the proper path.

In today's era, people are not living and perceiving their world to its full extent. Let me type that again.. IN TODAY'S ERA, PEOPLE ARE NOT LIVING AND PERCEIVING THEIR WORLD TO ITS FULL EXTENT..Is it a bad thing? No. Is it a good thing? No. Will they be taken advantage of? Yes, definitely. Will they be aware that they have been taken advantage of? No, definitely not unless there is a trigger or will to change. Why does this happen? ARROGANCE AND FIRM BELIEFS.

A person is unlikely to change his/her beliefs when there is a new belief system that is introduced that does not correspond to that individual's belief system. In short words, A PERSON SELECTS WHAT HE/SHE WANTS TO PERCEIVE AS THE TRUTH AND THROWS ANYTHING ELSE OUTSIDE THE WINDOW.

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