Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Consciousness pt 2 Nature, Society and Division

The world is creation itself and within the world are more creations manifested through an intricate network of energies. Those systems may be called cities, societies, inventions, regulations, and laws. What do you think of the word creation? Is creation a mere object such as a rock, a house or even yourself? If you delve deeply into the subject of creation, you will find yourself lost and confused because you are missing a tool to dissect creation and that tool is consciousness. To a normal person, the cycles of time and life seem very normal and repetitive because they only witness what is happening on the surface or the physical realms. Our society is an example of one system that many people overlook because society sucks our attention towards it. Once society has our attention, we lose our own sense of individuality and uniqueness then we lose the power to genuinely create. If we want to experience and enjoy more life than what the world has to offer then we have to learn to disconnect from society and reconnect with nature. Our current mindset will never get us anywhere because it focuses on duality. However, nature focuses on unity. Nature is not bias as it does not take sides and set rules for certain genders/age groups/ethnicities. It does not create any belief systems for people to follow, it does not hoard resources, it does not corrupt other sources and most of all, nothing from the natural kingdom ever tries to dominate and control the world. Nature is wise enough to know that if it attempts to dominate the world, it is also threatening itself.

Nature is the world at its natural form but society and technology is slowly shifting the masses' focus away from nature in fear for humans of awakening from this terrible dream called 'reality'. In fear for the people of becoming free one day, society rapes nature, restructures nature, controls nature, belittles nature, and tries to destroy nature entirely. The beings who do not understand their own existence struggle constantly between society and nature. However, even if one is in tune with nature, one should not get their hopes up in obtaining the truth because truth does not exist in physical form. But, from time to time, you may get glimpses of what appears to be the truth when your intuition has matured thanks to being in tune with nature or your natural self. By being in tune with nature, you will have access to higher mindsets and cognition abilities because you will learn to fully understand the cycles of life and death with ease.  You will then realize that death is not the end but only a cycle of renewal and rebirth. You will then realize that nature is the evolution to consciousness. Nature helps you divide creation and understand all creation. A duality mindset will only help you understand bits and pieces of creation but a unity mindset will help you understand all creation at any given time.

I’m sorry to say but just by loving nature and caring for nature will not initiate massive change nor will one’s life improve exponentially. We have to incorporate nature’s teachings into our lives in order to see great change. First, one has to accept that nature is more spiritually advanced than modern civilization with one simple fact; nature sustains itself and society does not. Basically, nature gives and takes at the same time while society only takes and rarely gives back. Nature is both female and male while society is mainly male with dominant traits. Nature encompasses both light and dark while society revolves around light and dark. To become nature, one becomes both sides of the same coin. Society however, is far from perfect and not on the same evolution stages of nature. Look at so many of our world’s famines, social inequality, injustice, dysfunctional families, the toxicity levels in our food, air and water. For what reasons do we have to create so much drama and pain on Earth? Society is not to be blamed because not all creations are perfect but society does not admit to be wrong. Instead, it attempts to further anger nature with malpractices of genetically engineering the structures of DNA in living things. Furthermore, science now attempts to utilize full control over human beings using nanotechnology implanted into the bloodstream. Anything which takes control over a being is not natural! Society does not understand that by changing the structure of one living thing, it is also changing the structure and harmony that nature is so proud of. The ripple effect will harm many others in this ruthless experiment that science is so blind to. Society does not understand that the imperfection of itself is not its physical deformities but its very heart and no science can ever fix that.

Meanwhile, for the ones who have followed the natural path, we have been bestowed with something called consciousness and with that we have to evaluate our very own creations. Our creations can be relationships, inventions, ideas, mindsets, languages, symbols, secrets, religions, and anything that had been created by us. If our creations endanger the unity and harmony of nature then we have to either improvise our creations to make it compatible with nature or destroy it entirely. Anyone who works and lives with nature will understand that there is a great plan for change in the making. Nature does not simply sit still despite its very calm and sustainable atmosphere it gives off. At the right time and the right moment, nature will act and it is for the awakened ones to follow. Don’t follow the clock, the time, the months, the years, or the dates. They all don’t matter. Follow nature as it offers real insight on what is happening in our current world. Nature offers full consciousness for beings to dissect and understand creation while science offers limited consciousness only. Somewhere along the division is the truth and consciousness will aid you in being able to see the truth. Shine

Friday, June 7, 2013

So you have two centers. One center you come with, which is given by existence itself. That is the self. And the other center, which is created by the society, is the ego. It is a false thing - and it is a very great trick. Through the ego the society is controlling you. You have to behave in a certain way, because only then does the society appreciate you. You have to walk in a certain way; you have to laugh in a certain way; you have to follow certain manners, a morality, a code. Only then will the society appreciate you, and if it doesn't, you ego will be shaken. And when the ego is shaken, you don't know where you are, who you are.


update soon

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What is consciousness and what is auto pilot or being unconscious? pt1

My greatest fear isn't death, isn't famine, isn't pain, isn't poverty, isn't lack of respect, isn't humiliation and isn't solitude.

My greatest fear is lack of consciousness or when my mind goes into auto-pilot which resembles the great majority of the human race including myself too at times. Aren't there times when you are driving and all of a sudden you arrive at your destination without remembering the ride? You forgot how many yellow lights you ran, you forgot how many cars passed you or you passed, you forgot what constant speed you were going at, you forgot what you were thinking during the ride, you forgot to constantly check for cops hiding at corners, and most of all, you forgot to look at the passenger seat during the ride for spirits(just kidding). There are of course other examples but you get the point. You have been a victim of auto-pilot. This phenomena happens everywhere from teaching, from learning, from working, from eating, from drinking, and from living. You might think what good would it be to be able to sense every drop of water entering your esophagus. Factors such as flavor of the water, temperature of the water, acidity of the water are most likely over-looked without a doubt. To the majority, water is water. You drink it when you are thirsty and that is it. Done. Deal. The process of pouring the water, holding the cup, slowly sipping the water and enjoying the water enter our system is forgotten.

When we look at an object such as a knife. We see that as an extension of our body; a tool to cut things. When we look at a house, we automatically classify the house as a form of shelter. However, what if the knife was a ruler instead and the house was actually a vehicle brilliantly disguised? There would be complications in our minds processing these normal day programming or heuristics. We use heuristics on a daily life basis and it is degrading our greatest weapon: real consciousness. I know most of us think of the brain as "us". When "we" are hungry, we eat. In reality, the brain is telling us that we are hungry so we must forage for food. However, aren't there times when the brain is telling us that we are hungry and we come into a decision-point where we can decide to eat later or not eat at all? Who is the one responsible telling the brain "I" will not eat now and "I" will not always listen to you. Now we look at the paragraph prior to this one regarding the driver in auto-pilot. Was the driver John Doe himself or was the driver John Doe's mind? Can we conclude that during the ride, John Doe got lazy and is an apathetic person not pondering too deep into the mechanics in life so he handed his control keys to Mr. Auto-pilot aka Mind? Perhaps. Anyway, before we go on.... close your eyes and take a deep breath and inhale for 7 seconds then hold it in. Slowly empty all the air from your chambers until nothing is left. What happened during those few seconds? Did you manage to stop your thoughts and take control of consciousness? Good job! Remember this technique and do it often while you are driving, walking, working, talking, before you sleep.

Consciousness should be John Doe. Consciousness shouldn't be John Doe's mind or John Doe in auto-pilot. It can get a little complicated if we try to narrow down who is John Doe such as John Doe's arms,legs, mouth, face, personality, traits, or hobbies. All of them can be John Doe or all of them can also not be John Doe. One thing we can both agree on is that John Doe is merely a name. There is a greater force controlling John Doe that even John Doe himself is not aware of. Consciousness is the act of being aware and the state of knowing that you are aware; it is my definition of living. Once auto-pilot kicks in, you can say good bye to creativity, ingenuity, transformation, transmutation, and any sort of individualistic change.

By becoming more and more aware that your mind swaps you in for auto-pilot, the more you can resist and say no to it. What are the benefits? Lots, you will basically be living in a new world with more opportunities. Lets give an example that isn't so mainstreamed such as money. Although, if you are able to grasp consciousness firmly, it is possible to become more prosperous as well. However what everyone desires is safety, youthfulness, longevity and health.

Safety is a given if you take control of consciousness then accidents are less likely to occur because you will become more aware of yourself and your surroundings constantly; you have just increased your survival rate.

Youthfulness such as clear skin, silky hair, fast regeneration is possible when you are aware of how your emotions affect your health directly. A nasty, negative, or angry attitude will reflect in faster deterioration of the physical body such as wrinkles, pimples, slower healing, pains and aches. While John Doe is in auto-pilot pouring nasty words on his target, he forgets who John Doe is in the process. John Doe's body is also unguarded and unprotected from all attacks during this time since he is busy attacking someone. However, being too helpful or too much of an angel is also detrimental to your physical body as well. You can be the greatest and most helpful person in your neighborhood but what if you aren't aware of your acts? You would be blindly offering help to others due to the self-programmed characteristic of yourself.. Jill Doe may be the nicest person but all her acts of kindness are in fact in auto-pilot. Because Jill Doe's mind constantly takes control of Jill Doe's real consciousness, Jill doe constantly gets sick from colds, fevers, flues and viruses. Were those good examples? Auto-pilot steals the life force which governs your physical body. The key is to stay balanced and always be aware of how (your real name) acts.

Longevity and health can sort of be clumped together but I don't want to explain in detail unless you ask me directly for super secret ancient knowledge. To start things off, the food we eat is even less than air; it is nothing. Why is that? Nutrition aside, when we swallow food, we don't think of the food or aware that the food is entering our stomachs. We eat just for the sake of eating because our mind tells us to eat or the mind says we are hungry. If we were truly eating, we would be carefully focusing on absorbing the nutrients in the food. Next, you might have heard of a phrase "You are what you eat" which is very true. Nowadays, people in our society aim for high calorie, low nutrition food just to fill the empty stomachs. Is it really necessary to be "full" when eating. Wouldn't you rather eat something that is average in calorie and high in nutrition? Be aware of the ingredients used in food.

Start paying attention to the small details in life. Turn auto-pilot off from time to time. Take a deep breath for 7 seconds and hold it in...remember... you know the rest. I believe in you as you believe in my words now. I hope.

Of course a few things I said above may be inconsistent or a contradiction such as your neighbor's healthy 100 year old granny who can do the splits. She yells at anyone stepping on her lawn and curses all animals and humans with a passionate hate. The reason why she is alive may be in fact that she has turned off her auto-pilot years ago and she constantly reminds her conscious self to piss off more people until there are no more people left to piss off in this world. She may in fact live up to a 10000 years old with a goal like that in mind.

Exceptions in beliefs, thoughts, systems. templates, rules always exist. Use all information at your own discernment.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Frequency is rising

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
-Nikola Tesla

Back on track, I hope the last post was successful in opening dreamy eyes and if you haven't read it yet, scroll down then come back. I've been witnessing great change through the several months in both the macro and micro level(the war threats is just a distraction and even if the war breaks loose, don't pay attention to it!). Some people are changing for the better while some people are falling deeper into confusion and desperation. Like I said in the previous posts, do not be stubborn and close minded at times like this. There is much to learn and growth is accelerated during this short time frame. Energy comes and goes all the time, you can't expect it to always find you but you have to take the initiative to find it sometimes. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you but you are too blind to process it. Ask and ye shall receive. Help will not always find you as you have to do your own work in order to earn it.

Now regarding the changes, is this positive or negative change? A little bit of both because our world still revolves around the concept of duality. However, the era of duality is slowly dissolving unfortunately. Those that are still attached to duality will soon feel changes in front of their very eyes if they do not adjust their bodies to the coming changes. I did mention physical bodies because don't you see lots of sicknesses, illnesses, pains, deaths in our current world? I believe that it has accelerated to some extent but I do not have the figures to prove it to you.. unfortunately. Some will be affected more greatly than others. The ringing in the ear, high-pitch frequency noises, body-aches, changes in diet, changes in habit, new personality is proof that you are slowly changing and adapting to a new world; your inner self yearns for change. Duality only exists because unity was split long time ago. Unity governs duality as it is the complete picture; it is the whole. After the merge of duality comes unity, it is an event that is inevitable and inescapable.

"Tptb" and the elites in our world understands a simple concept: everything is energy including a human's emotional state. Change should have happened already but they are delaying the outcome. That is fine because the greater the negativity, the greater the positivity. We will play their game of duality and we will win. By controlling energy, they can control the vibrational state of our Earth via the vibrational state of humankind; we are Earth's fuel. Energy has been monopolized for centuries with our oil companies being the most prosperous. Any other alternative energy sources are always silenced, discredited or killed. Don't believe me? For starters, I will talk about the Volkswagon Passat. In the US, the mileage of the car is 65mpg while the UK is 78mpg(higher mpg is better as its miles per gallon and you can travel farther with less gas consumed). By keeping people in the dark and in fear, people are most vulnerable to suggestions and easier to control. Of course that is only an example regarding energy monopolization/control because you wouldn't believe me anyway if I mentioned thermoelectric, geothermal, magnet powered generators or other systems that will set us free from this imprisonment right? Right. Moving on.

Once someone is in the know, they will no longer be controlled. But to reach that state, lots of work has to be done internally which includes the reworking of our cognition. The only person who can set you free from this system is yourself. My words can only act as a ladder or a helping hand. The one climbing to the top has to be yourself. Most spiritualists understand that our current reality is on the borderline of 3D and 4D. What this means is not what our sciences and models depict it to be. It is our mindset and consciousness. Unfortunately, we cannot take rulers, protractors, calculators or input consciousness into a computer to measure it therefore science cannot prove or disprove spirituality  What we perceive reality currently is only a fraction of what reality actually is due to our restricted thought forms. The negative vibration in our current world restricts our way of perception greatly. Our Earth is enshrouded in a layer called the "magnetosphere". The magnetosphere is like a giant aura or bubble that protects earth from cosmic radiation. However, if we look past these scientific terms then we understand that the Sun and the Moon has a magnetosphere as well with the Sun's magnetosphere being the greatest in our solar system. The magnetosphere is natural. However, all those lines that they are spraying in the skies is not natural; they are called chemtrails. It is true and scientifically documented that our magnetosphere is shrinking. The outcomes may be in fact global warming as people like Al Gore named it. However, that is not the only consequences of the shrinkage of the magnetosphere. Currently, the correct term is climate extreme because some parts of the world such as Russia, China, UK, US are facing extreme cold weather and cold drafts. As time goes on, consciousness will grow more and more due to two factors: the shrinkage of our magnetosphere, activation of Earth's core, activation of Sun's core and expansion of the Sun's energy.

Okay, now lets play connect the dots. Did you know that the human body consists of a field called the aura or the electromagnetic bio-field as well? Knowing that simple fact will put us in place in relationship to our universe. The human has a field, spirits have a field, the moon has a field, the sun has a field, the galaxy has a field, the universe has a field and the fields occupy empty space. Each fields can influence other fields as humans can influence each other just by being nearby one another with no spoken words. Likewise, the Sun is currently influencing Earth greatly. You control one aspect and then in another sense, you will also control another aspect. The Elites are trying to control Earth's field currently but their opponent is the mighty Sun. That will not be much of a battle. One consciousness, Christ consciousness, Absolute consciousness will return slowly for the ones who are ready to accept it. Truth.

Lots to digest. Eat it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Opening Scenes are starting

One of the last important mind opening updates (I will still update after this). The final cards are being played.. As in, the events in our timeline and other timelines are converging into one. The intensity will be much stronger for the people who follow the trends but average for the people who follow the media and news on tv/newspapers.

This time , no more analogies, no more poetry, no more similes, no more sweet words, no more beating around the bush, no more words that require thinking and interpretation.
I will say this; there are many of us who are tired and drained of trying to change for the better. I will not discuss who I am/we are other than a normal being on the outside. I call our current times the point of no return already. The choices that you have made in life are already set in motion. I have my views and preparations. You have yours. I will not judge or criticize your views so I ask kindly that you do not judge or criticize my views as well. We have to accept that we are both different and we may in fact be sharing entirely different roads from here on.

So do you question our society? I do! What the fuck is wrong with it? I understand that there is something called entertainment and many of our lives revolve around it. However, we let that control our daily lives and highlight it as being on the top priorities. That is not helping human evolution at all (not even the slightest). In fact, it is only creating more human drama and delaying our evolution.
Why the fuck do we care about meaningless sports where humans compete against each other? Why the fuck do these athletes get paid millions of dollars? Why the fuck do we care whether a car is a 4.0 L or a 1.8L/supercharged/turbocharged/leather seats/good on gas? Why the fuck do cars get upgraded in such small increments? Why the fuck are we still using the wheel? Why the fuck don’t we use cleaner technology instead of gasoline? Why the fuck are we so obsessed with cell phones? Why the fuck do we text someone across the table? Why the fuck do we care whether an item is a brand name or not? Why the fuck do we care about other people’s opinions so much? Why the fuck do we become the person other people wish? Why the fuck are we still listening to that silly pop/hipster music on the radio? Why the fuck are we so obsessed with these celebrities? Why the fuck are the daily conversations revolving around television shows/movies/sports? Why the fuck are we consuming and eating until our bellies are bloated? Why the fuck aren’t schools educating the mass about what REALLY IS GOING ON?


What really happened on 9-11? Why the fuck and how the fuck did more than 2 buildings collapse on 9-11?  Why the fuck did Bin Laden die over 9 times with the final 10th time being on May 2nd, 2011? Why the fuck did they make a movie to remind us that Bin Laden only “died once?” Do you remember the China, India, Sumatra, Haiti earthquakes? Do you remember about the major flooding in the Philippines?  Why the fuck aren’t you concerned about March 11, 2011 Fukushima earthquake+tsunami+3meltdowns? Why the fuck are we not talking about the BP OIL SPILLS? Why the fuck aren’t you looking on youtube about the affected radioactive children with thyroid cancers?(and do you remember about chernobyl?) Why the fuck aren’t you concerned with the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes? Why the fuck don’t you question what is in our food/water? Why the fuck don’t you find out what fluoride really does to us? Why the fuck do you think North Korea is arming themselves with nuclear weapons? Why the fuck are there so many mass animal deaths worldwide starting from the year 2010 onwards? Why the fuck are the wars still going on in the middle east? Why the fuck is the news only talking about the one meteor that crashed in Russia? Where the fuck are the pictures of the crater? Why the fuck don’t the news talk about the meteors that hit Cuba and Florida as well? Why the fuck are 100 thousands of dolphins gathered in the westcoast?(dolphins are one of the brightest mammals on earth, brighter than many of us, they usually do not gather in such large numbers) Also, why the fuck don’t we care about the gun regulations going on in the states? Why the fuck are the largest retails closing down and running out of business?(Best Buy, Sears, JC penny, Radioshack, etc)

The juicier questions

Why the fuck are there so many UFOS near our Sun? What the fuck are they spraying in our skies? Why the fuck is our Sun covered with these chemtrails everyday? Why the fuck is our sun glowing white now?(remember it was yellow-orange when we were kids) Why the fuck are there so many sunspots when NASA said we shouldn’t have any? Is it the solar maximum or minimum now? Fuckin Nasa says we are in minimum right now but it looks like the fucking sun is full of activity. And fuck, those aint even sunspots anymore, they’re fucking sunlines now a days. Why the fuck is Earth’s magnetosphere weakening? Why the fuck do they tell you that staring at the Sun directly can make you blind? Why the fuck did you believe that on Dec. 21, 2012 something was going to happen? Why the fuck aren’t we talking about the water on the moon, on europa and on mercury? Start questioning, start seeking, stop following.
I used the fucks to get your attention because it is your language. Speak in one’s language to get the attention of another person. However, sorry for so many fucks used above. Now moving on..
You hire a security guard for 365 days a year. There is a chance that nothing happens but you hire that security guard for a 1/365 chance that something bad will happen. It is just for that 1/365 chance that you hire the security guard. The same goes with our life, there is no security guard inside our bodies. We have to create our own security guard ourselves. Many of us aren’t equipped or even care to create a security guard inside our bodies. No, it is not a uniformed man carrying a baton and patrolling around our organs. A security guard means inner preparations and awareness. We have to make ourselves prepared mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally at all times. If you are unstable in one aspect, you are more than likely to be unstable in another aspect. It is time to let go of firm beliefs which drag you down. It is time to stop seeing friends which abuse you emotionally and physically. It is time to set yourself free. It is time to seek inner peace rather than materialistic values. Having enough basic necessities should be enough already; one does not have to be the best or hoard everything.
Let it go. Enough is enough. Number one does not mean anything if everyone else has suffer in order for you to be number one.