Monday, March 4, 2013

Opening Scenes are starting

One of the last important mind opening updates (I will still update after this). The final cards are being played.. As in, the events in our timeline and other timelines are converging into one. The intensity will be much stronger for the people who follow the trends but average for the people who follow the media and news on tv/newspapers.

This time , no more analogies, no more poetry, no more similes, no more sweet words, no more beating around the bush, no more words that require thinking and interpretation.
I will say this; there are many of us who are tired and drained of trying to change for the better. I will not discuss who I am/we are other than a normal being on the outside. I call our current times the point of no return already. The choices that you have made in life are already set in motion. I have my views and preparations. You have yours. I will not judge or criticize your views so I ask kindly that you do not judge or criticize my views as well. We have to accept that we are both different and we may in fact be sharing entirely different roads from here on.

So do you question our society? I do! What the fuck is wrong with it? I understand that there is something called entertainment and many of our lives revolve around it. However, we let that control our daily lives and highlight it as being on the top priorities. That is not helping human evolution at all (not even the slightest). In fact, it is only creating more human drama and delaying our evolution.
Why the fuck do we care about meaningless sports where humans compete against each other? Why the fuck do these athletes get paid millions of dollars? Why the fuck do we care whether a car is a 4.0 L or a 1.8L/supercharged/turbocharged/leather seats/good on gas? Why the fuck do cars get upgraded in such small increments? Why the fuck are we still using the wheel? Why the fuck don’t we use cleaner technology instead of gasoline? Why the fuck are we so obsessed with cell phones? Why the fuck do we text someone across the table? Why the fuck do we care whether an item is a brand name or not? Why the fuck do we care about other people’s opinions so much? Why the fuck do we become the person other people wish? Why the fuck are we still listening to that silly pop/hipster music on the radio? Why the fuck are we so obsessed with these celebrities? Why the fuck are the daily conversations revolving around television shows/movies/sports? Why the fuck are we consuming and eating until our bellies are bloated? Why the fuck aren’t schools educating the mass about what REALLY IS GOING ON?


What really happened on 9-11? Why the fuck and how the fuck did more than 2 buildings collapse on 9-11?  Why the fuck did Bin Laden die over 9 times with the final 10th time being on May 2nd, 2011? Why the fuck did they make a movie to remind us that Bin Laden only “died once?” Do you remember the China, India, Sumatra, Haiti earthquakes? Do you remember about the major flooding in the Philippines?  Why the fuck aren’t you concerned about March 11, 2011 Fukushima earthquake+tsunami+3meltdowns? Why the fuck are we not talking about the BP OIL SPILLS? Why the fuck aren’t you looking on youtube about the affected radioactive children with thyroid cancers?(and do you remember about chernobyl?) Why the fuck aren’t you concerned with the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes? Why the fuck don’t you question what is in our food/water? Why the fuck don’t you find out what fluoride really does to us? Why the fuck do you think North Korea is arming themselves with nuclear weapons? Why the fuck are there so many mass animal deaths worldwide starting from the year 2010 onwards? Why the fuck are the wars still going on in the middle east? Why the fuck is the news only talking about the one meteor that crashed in Russia? Where the fuck are the pictures of the crater? Why the fuck don’t the news talk about the meteors that hit Cuba and Florida as well? Why the fuck are 100 thousands of dolphins gathered in the westcoast?(dolphins are one of the brightest mammals on earth, brighter than many of us, they usually do not gather in such large numbers) Also, why the fuck don’t we care about the gun regulations going on in the states? Why the fuck are the largest retails closing down and running out of business?(Best Buy, Sears, JC penny, Radioshack, etc)

The juicier questions

Why the fuck are there so many UFOS near our Sun? What the fuck are they spraying in our skies? Why the fuck is our Sun covered with these chemtrails everyday? Why the fuck is our sun glowing white now?(remember it was yellow-orange when we were kids) Why the fuck are there so many sunspots when NASA said we shouldn’t have any? Is it the solar maximum or minimum now? Fuckin Nasa says we are in minimum right now but it looks like the fucking sun is full of activity. And fuck, those aint even sunspots anymore, they’re fucking sunlines now a days. Why the fuck is Earth’s magnetosphere weakening? Why the fuck do they tell you that staring at the Sun directly can make you blind? Why the fuck did you believe that on Dec. 21, 2012 something was going to happen? Why the fuck aren’t we talking about the water on the moon, on europa and on mercury? Start questioning, start seeking, stop following.
I used the fucks to get your attention because it is your language. Speak in one’s language to get the attention of another person. However, sorry for so many fucks used above. Now moving on..
You hire a security guard for 365 days a year. There is a chance that nothing happens but you hire that security guard for a 1/365 chance that something bad will happen. It is just for that 1/365 chance that you hire the security guard. The same goes with our life, there is no security guard inside our bodies. We have to create our own security guard ourselves. Many of us aren’t equipped or even care to create a security guard inside our bodies. No, it is not a uniformed man carrying a baton and patrolling around our organs. A security guard means inner preparations and awareness. We have to make ourselves prepared mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally at all times. If you are unstable in one aspect, you are more than likely to be unstable in another aspect. It is time to let go of firm beliefs which drag you down. It is time to stop seeing friends which abuse you emotionally and physically. It is time to set yourself free. It is time to seek inner peace rather than materialistic values. Having enough basic necessities should be enough already; one does not have to be the best or hoard everything.
Let it go. Enough is enough. Number one does not mean anything if everyone else has suffer in order for you to be number one.

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