Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Frequency is rising

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
-Nikola Tesla

Back on track, I hope the last post was successful in opening dreamy eyes and if you haven't read it yet, scroll down then come back. I've been witnessing great change through the several months in both the macro and micro level(the war threats is just a distraction and even if the war breaks loose, don't pay attention to it!). Some people are changing for the better while some people are falling deeper into confusion and desperation. Like I said in the previous posts, do not be stubborn and close minded at times like this. There is much to learn and growth is accelerated during this short time frame. Energy comes and goes all the time, you can't expect it to always find you but you have to take the initiative to find it sometimes. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you but you are too blind to process it. Ask and ye shall receive. Help will not always find you as you have to do your own work in order to earn it.

Now regarding the changes, is this positive or negative change? A little bit of both because our world still revolves around the concept of duality. However, the era of duality is slowly dissolving unfortunately. Those that are still attached to duality will soon feel changes in front of their very eyes if they do not adjust their bodies to the coming changes. I did mention physical bodies because don't you see lots of sicknesses, illnesses, pains, deaths in our current world? I believe that it has accelerated to some extent but I do not have the figures to prove it to you.. unfortunately. Some will be affected more greatly than others. The ringing in the ear, high-pitch frequency noises, body-aches, changes in diet, changes in habit, new personality is proof that you are slowly changing and adapting to a new world; your inner self yearns for change. Duality only exists because unity was split long time ago. Unity governs duality as it is the complete picture; it is the whole. After the merge of duality comes unity, it is an event that is inevitable and inescapable.

"Tptb" and the elites in our world understands a simple concept: everything is energy including a human's emotional state. Change should have happened already but they are delaying the outcome. That is fine because the greater the negativity, the greater the positivity. We will play their game of duality and we will win. By controlling energy, they can control the vibrational state of our Earth via the vibrational state of humankind; we are Earth's fuel. Energy has been monopolized for centuries with our oil companies being the most prosperous. Any other alternative energy sources are always silenced, discredited or killed. Don't believe me? For starters, I will talk about the Volkswagon Passat. In the US, the mileage of the car is 65mpg while the UK is 78mpg(higher mpg is better as its miles per gallon and you can travel farther with less gas consumed). By keeping people in the dark and in fear, people are most vulnerable to suggestions and easier to control. Of course that is only an example regarding energy monopolization/control because you wouldn't believe me anyway if I mentioned thermoelectric, geothermal, magnet powered generators or other systems that will set us free from this imprisonment right? Right. Moving on.

Once someone is in the know, they will no longer be controlled. But to reach that state, lots of work has to be done internally which includes the reworking of our cognition. The only person who can set you free from this system is yourself. My words can only act as a ladder or a helping hand. The one climbing to the top has to be yourself. Most spiritualists understand that our current reality is on the borderline of 3D and 4D. What this means is not what our sciences and models depict it to be. It is our mindset and consciousness. Unfortunately, we cannot take rulers, protractors, calculators or input consciousness into a computer to measure it therefore science cannot prove or disprove spirituality  What we perceive reality currently is only a fraction of what reality actually is due to our restricted thought forms. The negative vibration in our current world restricts our way of perception greatly. Our Earth is enshrouded in a layer called the "magnetosphere". The magnetosphere is like a giant aura or bubble that protects earth from cosmic radiation. However, if we look past these scientific terms then we understand that the Sun and the Moon has a magnetosphere as well with the Sun's magnetosphere being the greatest in our solar system. The magnetosphere is natural. However, all those lines that they are spraying in the skies is not natural; they are called chemtrails. It is true and scientifically documented that our magnetosphere is shrinking. The outcomes may be in fact global warming as people like Al Gore named it. However, that is not the only consequences of the shrinkage of the magnetosphere. Currently, the correct term is climate extreme because some parts of the world such as Russia, China, UK, US are facing extreme cold weather and cold drafts. As time goes on, consciousness will grow more and more due to two factors: the shrinkage of our magnetosphere, activation of Earth's core, activation of Sun's core and expansion of the Sun's energy.

Okay, now lets play connect the dots. Did you know that the human body consists of a field called the aura or the electromagnetic bio-field as well? Knowing that simple fact will put us in place in relationship to our universe. The human has a field, spirits have a field, the moon has a field, the sun has a field, the galaxy has a field, the universe has a field and the fields occupy empty space. Each fields can influence other fields as humans can influence each other just by being nearby one another with no spoken words. Likewise, the Sun is currently influencing Earth greatly. You control one aspect and then in another sense, you will also control another aspect. The Elites are trying to control Earth's field currently but their opponent is the mighty Sun. That will not be much of a battle. One consciousness, Christ consciousness, Absolute consciousness will return slowly for the ones who are ready to accept it. Truth.

Lots to digest. Eat it.

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