(May) there be a stalker..
As a predicament to everything
a great cleansing is prepared
evolution will be our next step
As our tears become rivers
Our bodies run dry from liquid
and become a standing statue
Men will no longer able to stand still
An unusual force will command us
"Move if you value the precious"
As days get longer, and lives grow shorter
The world is realizing once again,
A purpose awakens in this crystalline globe
On a particular day, dreamy eyes will be blacked out
And them sparkly crystals glow no longer
But our dreams will materialize ever so swiftly
A tragedy will fall and lives will be ferried away
The goddess of death will welcome all,
Erasing broken promises and its disloyal owners
The raging weather will continue its feast
Nobody spared, the source unknown to man
Burning, exploding and melting away memories
An endless sky it may seem to be
But from distant lands, a pair of bloody wings
An ever flowing pool of destruction and mishaps
Minds of young and old grow anxious
Searching desperately for the truth
Pandora’s box is opened and..
The sparkle in a certain star will dim
As our eyes will replicate that glow
like chrysanthemum, beauty is not eternal
Power is struggle and knowledge is wisdom
A clash between uniforms and the naked
The civilian knows no better than to follow
As our lives become entwined in the spider’s web
We do not know whether we are right or wrong
As our food rots and so does our gold
Are we the spider or are we its prey?
We are neither. We are free.