Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Escape our materialistic world

I feel the acceleration and at the same time, I feel the separation. The ideas and knowledge inside my head are always ahead of time itself but time doesn't exist in my world so I just said something that contradicts my sentence. What I mean is that based on this current time line  September 2012, I cannot go against the will or nature of time by telling you things that you are not ready to accept yet. Whatever is done is already set in motion, it cannot be changed greatly. I also do not hold the right to tell you how to live your life as you do not hold the right to tell me how to live my life. I did expect a few individuals in my life to wake up during our many years of acquaintance but they have yet to do so. There are certain factors which contribute to the dormant state of many individuals which include but not limited to: money issues, emotional attachment, karma, social norms, social status race and much more. I really wish that I could relate with at least a few more individuals and converge ideas during these past few years. However, I am no deity nor superior over anyone. I respect the law of one very much and that everyone will eventually end up at the same place as they started from the same place. I may only act as an observer in the mean time and a act as a messenger when asked. However, rarely do I get asked of such deep knowledge and questions.

The separation I feel is a mixture of sadness and a sigh of relief. Being a sensitive person from birth, I see and feel things differently than a normal person can. I can read the mood and atmosphere of a specific time, place and view from another perspective and then factor that into my decision making. The differences between many of those around me is the fact that I am a believer of many things and the latter are only believers with a certain amount of evidence available to them. I have been through and experienced then gained insight on the positive and negative events that happened to my personal life. Karma definitely exists. It is no lie. To explain what karma is, it is inertia or an act that is set in motion and unable to stop. One object to symbolize karma is the wheel. To give a further example, it could be a person stuck in an unstable relationship, it could be a bully hurting others around him, it could be a businessman set on making money only, it could be a religious man devoting to a deity, it could be me set on trying to change the timeline of mankind. As you can see by these examples, karma happens everywhere and in every form. The main point is to realize that one is stuck inside a loop. However, the elites in our world who has a history of over 5000 years compared to our fresh society of only couple hundred years are greatly overshadowed by their genius system. The system involves struggle for power, strongest survives, the superior will reign over the inferior, and so on. Our society has been reprogrammed by these elites and the majority of the population is deceived to think that there is nothing wrong in our world.

So how do we stop Karma?

It is easy. You be yourself. The more you try to act like someone else or pull the strings the opposite way, the more the outcome which is usually in something not pleasant comes find you. Instead of expanding your conscious and energy outwards, you focus all your conscious and energy back within. The main character then becomes yourself but not in a selfish way. Since the outside world can be a reflection of the the inside. You learned this since long time ago which is "treat others the same way that you would like to be treated".
When you think nature, you think of natural right? Therefore, you are a being made from nature, you have to follow the laws of nature as well. Now is the time to think from within and not outside. The outside world has already polluted your inside. Therefore, you need to press the restart button inside yourself and start fresh. Try to see things from a multi perspective rather than only an inside and outside perspective. Everything and everyone matters. 

Friday, September 14, 2012


Time for update again I suppose. So, is everyone awake yet? Not in the sense of being awake in the morning and getting out of your bed but awake in consciousness and aware of the connections between yourself and the environment. Too many people are blindly living their lives and just following the herd. Their personal voice is in fact not their personal voice, it is merely a reflection and projection of what is shown to them via music, entertainment and the media. A true person who lives upon his or her true beliefs is one who does not have any strong attachments to any physical material/beings in the world; they are neutral with everyone/everything. By doing so, they will not have a bias view on anything and be able to show unconditional love/concern to any being/thing; it is the universe's greatest blessing. With that being side and sweet words aside, I will finally share with my fellow stalkers a background on whats going on in our world. But before you do so and if you haven't already done so, read my previous posts to get a general idea where I am going. To start things off, I would like to say that something is strange and wrong about our world. Is that not correct? People are being orchestrated and lulled to sleep with genius plans and movements. Such ideas include but not limited to: 9-11 bombing, sars threat, aurora shooting, haiti earthquake, india earthquake, japan earthquake, nuclear nuclear fall, chemtrails, sopa, and much more. It is time for us to not feed the negative energy and bad events happening in our world. These events might be man-made or they might also be natural but that isn't important. Whats important is that the more negative an event is, the more accelerated growth will be. We learn from mistakes and jump start our evolution in multiple dimensions. So, if there are any dark beings or evil leaders out there, thank you very much and keep doing your job!

I used to keep a log of the terrible events that happen in our life daily(the real news happening around the world excluding about which celebrity overdosed or who cheated on who etc). The natural events and disasters happening around the world is phenomenal, I couldn't even follow anymore. If you want to know what is "real news", then here are some of the recent ones:


Anyway, those news were fairly recent but you get the general idea right? There is so much change happening under our nose that it is overwhelming to follow all. Times are changing and the Earth is also changing. Therefore, we also have to change(This is no time to be stubborn and narrow minded). Isn't it amazing to be alive during this era though? Remember years ago, scientists would say that during our life time, we would not witness another giant volcanic eruption and bam! multiple volcanic eruptions happening world wide. Also, it is also amazing to see how the events written in the bible are becoming very true. Floods, earthquakes, mass animal extinction, red seas, plagues and so much more. So, where am I going with this post?

Anything is possible. Never ever be too certain and even when you are, still leave room for error and improvements.