Thursday, May 2, 2013

What is consciousness and what is auto pilot or being unconscious? pt1

My greatest fear isn't death, isn't famine, isn't pain, isn't poverty, isn't lack of respect, isn't humiliation and isn't solitude.

My greatest fear is lack of consciousness or when my mind goes into auto-pilot which resembles the great majority of the human race including myself too at times. Aren't there times when you are driving and all of a sudden you arrive at your destination without remembering the ride? You forgot how many yellow lights you ran, you forgot how many cars passed you or you passed, you forgot what constant speed you were going at, you forgot what you were thinking during the ride, you forgot to constantly check for cops hiding at corners, and most of all, you forgot to look at the passenger seat during the ride for spirits(just kidding). There are of course other examples but you get the point. You have been a victim of auto-pilot. This phenomena happens everywhere from teaching, from learning, from working, from eating, from drinking, and from living. You might think what good would it be to be able to sense every drop of water entering your esophagus. Factors such as flavor of the water, temperature of the water, acidity of the water are most likely over-looked without a doubt. To the majority, water is water. You drink it when you are thirsty and that is it. Done. Deal. The process of pouring the water, holding the cup, slowly sipping the water and enjoying the water enter our system is forgotten.

When we look at an object such as a knife. We see that as an extension of our body; a tool to cut things. When we look at a house, we automatically classify the house as a form of shelter. However, what if the knife was a ruler instead and the house was actually a vehicle brilliantly disguised? There would be complications in our minds processing these normal day programming or heuristics. We use heuristics on a daily life basis and it is degrading our greatest weapon: real consciousness. I know most of us think of the brain as "us". When "we" are hungry, we eat. In reality, the brain is telling us that we are hungry so we must forage for food. However, aren't there times when the brain is telling us that we are hungry and we come into a decision-point where we can decide to eat later or not eat at all? Who is the one responsible telling the brain "I" will not eat now and "I" will not always listen to you. Now we look at the paragraph prior to this one regarding the driver in auto-pilot. Was the driver John Doe himself or was the driver John Doe's mind? Can we conclude that during the ride, John Doe got lazy and is an apathetic person not pondering too deep into the mechanics in life so he handed his control keys to Mr. Auto-pilot aka Mind? Perhaps. Anyway, before we go on.... close your eyes and take a deep breath and inhale for 7 seconds then hold it in. Slowly empty all the air from your chambers until nothing is left. What happened during those few seconds? Did you manage to stop your thoughts and take control of consciousness? Good job! Remember this technique and do it often while you are driving, walking, working, talking, before you sleep.

Consciousness should be John Doe. Consciousness shouldn't be John Doe's mind or John Doe in auto-pilot. It can get a little complicated if we try to narrow down who is John Doe such as John Doe's arms,legs, mouth, face, personality, traits, or hobbies. All of them can be John Doe or all of them can also not be John Doe. One thing we can both agree on is that John Doe is merely a name. There is a greater force controlling John Doe that even John Doe himself is not aware of. Consciousness is the act of being aware and the state of knowing that you are aware; it is my definition of living. Once auto-pilot kicks in, you can say good bye to creativity, ingenuity, transformation, transmutation, and any sort of individualistic change.

By becoming more and more aware that your mind swaps you in for auto-pilot, the more you can resist and say no to it. What are the benefits? Lots, you will basically be living in a new world with more opportunities. Lets give an example that isn't so mainstreamed such as money. Although, if you are able to grasp consciousness firmly, it is possible to become more prosperous as well. However what everyone desires is safety, youthfulness, longevity and health.

Safety is a given if you take control of consciousness then accidents are less likely to occur because you will become more aware of yourself and your surroundings constantly; you have just increased your survival rate.

Youthfulness such as clear skin, silky hair, fast regeneration is possible when you are aware of how your emotions affect your health directly. A nasty, negative, or angry attitude will reflect in faster deterioration of the physical body such as wrinkles, pimples, slower healing, pains and aches. While John Doe is in auto-pilot pouring nasty words on his target, he forgets who John Doe is in the process. John Doe's body is also unguarded and unprotected from all attacks during this time since he is busy attacking someone. However, being too helpful or too much of an angel is also detrimental to your physical body as well. You can be the greatest and most helpful person in your neighborhood but what if you aren't aware of your acts? You would be blindly offering help to others due to the self-programmed characteristic of yourself.. Jill Doe may be the nicest person but all her acts of kindness are in fact in auto-pilot. Because Jill Doe's mind constantly takes control of Jill Doe's real consciousness, Jill doe constantly gets sick from colds, fevers, flues and viruses. Were those good examples? Auto-pilot steals the life force which governs your physical body. The key is to stay balanced and always be aware of how (your real name) acts.

Longevity and health can sort of be clumped together but I don't want to explain in detail unless you ask me directly for super secret ancient knowledge. To start things off, the food we eat is even less than air; it is nothing. Why is that? Nutrition aside, when we swallow food, we don't think of the food or aware that the food is entering our stomachs. We eat just for the sake of eating because our mind tells us to eat or the mind says we are hungry. If we were truly eating, we would be carefully focusing on absorbing the nutrients in the food. Next, you might have heard of a phrase "You are what you eat" which is very true. Nowadays, people in our society aim for high calorie, low nutrition food just to fill the empty stomachs. Is it really necessary to be "full" when eating. Wouldn't you rather eat something that is average in calorie and high in nutrition? Be aware of the ingredients used in food.

Start paying attention to the small details in life. Turn auto-pilot off from time to time. Take a deep breath for 7 seconds and hold it in...remember... you know the rest. I believe in you as you believe in my words now. I hope.

Of course a few things I said above may be inconsistent or a contradiction such as your neighbor's healthy 100 year old granny who can do the splits. She yells at anyone stepping on her lawn and curses all animals and humans with a passionate hate. The reason why she is alive may be in fact that she has turned off her auto-pilot years ago and she constantly reminds her conscious self to piss off more people until there are no more people left to piss off in this world. She may in fact live up to a 10000 years old with a goal like that in mind.

Exceptions in beliefs, thoughts, systems. templates, rules always exist. Use all information at your own discernment.